
An inspection is not a commodity like a gallon of milk.  No two homes are the same.  You are relying on the inspector to apply his experience and knowledge in analyzing the unique conditions present in the home.  You can choose an inspector who invests in the training and education necessary to keep up with the ever-changing nature of how homes are built and how they deteriorate, or you can choose an inspector who doesn't.  But don't expect the same depth, thoroughness and experience from both.  It should come down to what is more important.  Do you want to receive a thorough inspection from an experienced and knowledgeable professional, or base your decision on the information provided by the lowest bidder?

Our inspection fee is based on several factors, the main one being the square footage of the home. Our fee for a home up to 1200 sq. ft. is $ 359.00  (on a basement). This includes an attached or detached garage, basement and all components of the home itself.  Call for pricing for larger square footage homes. The following items are additional costs to the home inspection:

Distance - Our normal traveling distance is within 50 miles of our office. Inspections performed beyond that distance may be charged an additonal fee.

Crawlspace - $ 49.00 ( We've been in some tight quarters before! )

Water test - $ 219.00 This includes 1 hour flow test and certified lab tests for E-Coli, Coliforms & Nitrates.

Septic Inspection - $ 219.00 This includes digging and opening tank up to inspect interior fluid levels and proper fittings, locating and boring drainfield to determine stone condition.

Radon - $ 219.00 We offer Continuous Radon Monitoring . When possible, we will set the monitor up 48 hrs. before the actual inspection. Results will then be available at time of inspection.

Mold Inspections/Samples - Mold inspections start at $ 100.00 ( Included with all inspections ) and include a visual inspection of suspect areas. If suspected mold is noted, swab or bulk samples may be taken to determine whether or not it is mold. Air samples are highly recommended to determine if elevated mold levels exist. A minimum of 2 samples are necessary depending on square footage of home and number of living levels. Each sample is $ 125.00 and includes Laboratory results within 96 hrs. ( faster results are available for additional fees )

We offer discounts for the following:  First time buyers, previous clients and military.

Duplex, multi-unit dwellings and commercial:  Please call for a quote/estimate.

Our Inspection Report is produced in our office and emailed to you with your own personal website, usually the same day the inspection takes place.

Payment is expected upon receipt of invoice. We accept check, e-check, most major credit cards and yes, cash.

An  Inspection Agreement is required in order to proceed with the inspection.

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Home Inspections of USA
1752 NE Torch Lake Drive
Central Lake, MI 49622